Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wagner And The Network

I happened upon some site the other day depicting a chart showing the organizational structure of C. Peter Wagner’s network of apostles, councils, and etc…. I was curious as to what was the Hamilton Group and the other stuff is about, and found two letters online which gave a brief outline as to what these nine units entailed. It is a far more intricate structure than I initially thought, and I am very troubled. I just want to put this out for now, as I don’t know a lot to the nuances of this organization, but suffice it to say, take a hard look at their theology—the theology of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). It is not biblical. Google it up and be sure to lookup “dominion theology”. It is very possible the structure has changed in the past year, as this chart appears to had been distributed around May 2007. I highlighted the description of the nine component organizations in navy. I am not sure, but by clicking the chart, it should enlarge inside another window.


Letter #1
Global Harvest Ministries evolves into "Global Apostolic Network."
Published on 4 April 2007 in Missions & World Evangelism
Source: Global Harvest ~ Global Link

April 4, 2007

Dear friends of Global Harvest:

Over the past few months we have been making some exciting changes in GHM. I am embarrassed to admit that it was only recently that I realized that GHM is an apostolic network. I was leading GHM apostolically, but only to a point. We were ministering with bits and pieces, but our whole ministry had no over all comprehensive structure. The catalyst for this renewed thinking has been Craig Davis, Wagner Leadership Institute Provost, who has been working closely with Doris, Chuck Pierce, and me over the past few weeks.

I am sending you a copy of the first version of a chart which depicts what we are calling "Global Apostolic Network." This is the first time we have seen all the pieces we have been dealing with as parts of a whole. I can now comprehend the assignment that God has given GHM for this season much more clearly. As I have meditated on this chart, I am now prepared to make a rather bold statement, hopefully with the appropriate modesty and humility. I don't think it is immodest to realistically recognize what God is asking you to do. Our job at GHM is to connect the different components of the apostolic movement as broadly as posible. I am not aware of any similar group that is connecting as many apostolic leaders in different fields as the Global Apostolic Network is doing at the present time.

Let me walk you through the chart with brief description of each activity. The different units are listed in random order, not in order of longevity or importance.

The heading is Global Apostolic Network. Doris, Chuck Pierce and I form the Apostolic Team. We serve under the GHM Board of Directors. Essential to the ministry in general are Life Partners who contribute toward my salary, Harvest Partners who contribute regularly to the ministry, and Prayer Partners who intercede for us.

* The Hamilton Group (THG). This is made up of the members of my Eagles Vision Apostolic Team (EVAT) to whom I give primary apostolic covering. THG is a distribution infrastructure to handle some of the great transfer of wealth we are expecting. The motto is: "Sophisticated Philanthropy for Apostolic Distribution."
* United States Global Apostolic Prayer Network (USGAPN). Chuck Pierce is the point person for this. He mobilizes, motivates, and manages a company of high-level prophetic intercessors with an Apostolic Council and Coordinators in all 50 states. The USGAPN is arguably the strongest ongoing prayer network that we have had in our country.
* Apostolic Council for Educational Accountability (ACEA). This provides connection, relationships, and accountability to the schools of al kinds which have been raised to equip the saints in the various apostolic networks around the country and abroad. Currently there are over 80 member institutions which pay their dues and attend an annual meeting. Leo Lawson is our ACEA Ambassador.
* International Coalition of Apostles (ICA). Over 500 recognized apostles have membership in ICA. It provides an unparalleled chance for them to meet, relate to, and connect with peers and gain certification of their apostolic ministry. They go through a rigid application process, pay dues, and attend an annual meeting. John Kelly and Chuck Pierce help me lead ICA.
* Wagner Leadership Institute (WLI). This is a new wineskin training school for equipping the saints in every field of ministry under a faculty of successful apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. With Craig Davis as Provost, WLI Central has now formed an Educational Apostolic Network with 12 international WLIs plus 18 regional WLIs throughout our nation.
* International Society of Deliverance Ministers (ISDM). More than 150 recognized deliverance ministers have been approved as members of ISDM. The annual meeting furnishes them a chance to connect with and learn from each other, as well as to become mutually accountable. Doris and I provide apostolic leadership and Bill Sudduth is the ISDM Ambassador. I would like to see ISDM grow to 500 members as the next step.
* Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE). A group of 25 respected prophets meet with me every fall to seek a word from the Lord for the following year. Meanwhile, we all stay in touch with each other and we support each other's ministries as opportunity arises. Cindy Jacobs prepares the agenda and serves as the ACPE Scribe to compile and issue the forthcoming prophetic document. This is a closed group.

I'm sorry to burden you with such a lengthy communication, but I felt that we needed a comprehensive document setting forth what we do here at Global Harvest. Thank you for partnering with us in many ways. This is exciting!

Peter Wagner


Letter #2

May 31, 2007

Dear friends of Global Harvest:

Last month I sent you a report of the formation of our "Global Apostolic Network" (GAN) along with a graphic that contained seven boxes representing seven different units that have been joined to each other through my apostolic oversight. Just as a reminder, the seven units included The Hamilton Group, the U.S. Global Apostolic Prayer Network, the Apostolic Council for Educational Accountability, the International Coalition of Apostles, Wagner Leadership Institute, the International Society of Deliverance Ministers, and the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.

I mentioned that things are moving rapidly. Well, as a starter we now have nine boxes instead of seven. The two additional boxes already existed, but they weren't included in the first version. They are:

*Zion Apostolic Council. This is a wealth distribution infrastructure similar to The Hamilton Group. However, it is set up to handle the wealth generated by only one enterprise, namely the Zion Project founded by Rod Neal of Cincinnati, Ohio. Rod is very close to releasing some very innovative and disruptive technology which has the potential of making permanent changes in the lifestyle of the human race. He has asked me to form an apostolic council of 48 apostles who will be responsible for distributing the forthcoming wealth and also to serve them as Presiding Apostle.
*Eagles Vision Apostolic Team (EVAT). For some time I had been receiving requests from certain apostles with whom I have built personal friendships to formalize my apostolic oversight and covenant relationships with them. I agreed to do this and establish EVAT in 2002, and we held our first annual meeting in 2003. Currently 25 EVAT members look to me for their primary or part of their primary apostolic covering. Their contributions (along with those of some Life Partners) cover my GHM salary and benefits.


The other exciting development is that we now have, for the first time, the beginnings of a detailed and uniform philosophy of mission for the entire Global Apostolic Network (GAN). Heretofore I had simply assumed that, since I was the leader, we were all moving in the same general direction. That was largely true, but if someone had asked me I would not have been prepared to give them much detail as to the precise direction in which we were moving.

The major catalyst whom God has brought into the picture to help renew our minds in terms of our philosophy of mission is Lance Wallnau, founder of Lance Learning Group currently based in Rhode Island. Lance, in a former season, planted churches and formed an apostolic network which he has now turned over to other leadership. He is a member of ICA, and he currently travels widely as a conference speaker and as a consultant to business and government leaders. Through the years we have formed a close relationship, he has been a speaker at several of our conferences, and Lance is the newest member of EVAT.

Lance's trademark teaching relates to what he calls the seven "mind molders" or the "seven mountains." These have now become a permanent fixture in my personal teaching on taking dominion, and I have referenced Wallnau in The Church in the Workplace as well as in my forthcoming book Dominion! In my view it is not possible to get an operational handle on how to initiate corporate action toward social transformation without taking into account the seven mountains or what I like to call "molders of culture." The seven are religion, family, business, arts & entertainment, government, education, and media.
With this in mind, allow me to make an initial attempt to verbalize the philosophy of mission of GAN.

Our theological bedrock is what has been known as Dominion Theology. This means that our divine mandate is to do whatever is necessary, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to retake the dominion of God's creation which Adam forfeited to Satan in the Garden of Eden. It is nothing less than seeing God's kingdom coming and His will being done here on earth as it is in heaven. This includes the need to govern apolitically, as well as to embrace spiritual warfare techniques that neutralize the control of our adversary within the functional and territorial spheres of authority to which we have been assigned. To do this, we know that we must be in communion, we must receive revelation, and we must apostolically and prophetically proclaim that revelation.

First, our mission is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. We are an apostolic unit, and we read in Ephesians 4:11-12 that the stated responsibility of apostles (as well as prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) is to equip the saints. We feel that we must equip the saints, not just clergy but all the saints of God both personally and corporately. However, the next question becomes: Equip the saints for what purpose?

This leads into the second point, namely our goal. Our goal, in a word, is transformation. The first stage in this goal is personal transformation because each saint must be prepared to do his or her part in the process of taking dominion. Saints usually fall into one of three categories, depending on their primary focus. The majority of saints focus on self. They ask: What's in this for me? Ironically, the question applies to their religious lives as well as to their work and their leisure. A much smaller percentage of the saints focus on church. They are committed to their church, they tithe to their church, they volunteer for church programs, they attend faithfully, and they are fulfilled when their local church is healthy and is growing. A third category of saints, relatively very few indeed, manage to focus on the kingdom. They see the hand of God at work, not only in themselves and in their churches, but also in society in general. They are the ones through whom God will mostly accomplish His purposes of taking dominion. Our assignment, then, is to help as many people as possible move their primary focus from self or church to kingdom.

Which leads us to the second stage of the goal of transformation, namely corporate or social transformation. We want to see whole cities and regions and states and nations transformed to support the values of the kingdom of God. This will happen only as kingdom-focused saints become the head and not the tail of each of Lance Wallnau's seven mountains or molders of culture. Here in America, we have done fairly well in leading the religion mountain, but not the other six. Our mistaken tendency has been to try to pull leaders from the other six mountains over into our religion mountain instead of encouraging them to use their gifts and their energy and their knowledge in the mountain to which God has assigned them. We want all of God's people actively to do their part to fulfill the "7-M Mandate."

Thirdly, the measurement of our progress must center on renewal. Titus 3:5 says that we should constantly seek the renewal of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit fills us and renews us day after day, we will be more able to tune into what He is saying to us and to the churches. We can measure how this is happening, both personally and corporately, by examining three stages:

*Awareness. This is the renewing of our minds (Rom 12:2). It is a paradigm shift. It is agreeing with the dominion mandate.
*Identification. This is the renewing of our commitment. We no longer are primarily committed either to self or to the church, but to the kingdom. We want to be a part of the current stream of what the Holy Spirit is doing.
*Application. This is the renewing of our practice. It is what we do. Faith without works is dead. Not only do we want God's kingdom to come, but we are committed to take whatever action necessary to do our part to help see it happen.

If we agree that the "7-M Mandate" is operative within our Global Apostolic Network in general, then our specific involvement, whether it be with deliverance ministers or educators or prophets or workplace leaders or intercessors or philanthropists or apostles, will be guided by this same set of principles. Together we will more and more see God's kingdom come and His will being done here on earth as it is in heaven!
God bless you, each and every one.

C. Peter Wagner
President, Global Harvest Ministries
Chancellor, Wagner Leadership Institute
P.O. Box 63060
Colorado Springs, CO 80962